Your Essential Guide to DeFi with the BSC DeFi Wallet


Your Essential Guide to DeFi with the BSC DeFi Wallet

DeFi, based on blockchain, offers a new kind of financial system. It’s open to everyone, unlike banks which control everything. Among many tools for this, the BSC DeFi Wallet is a top pick for many crypto users.

Key Points

  • Why Pick DeFi Wallet?

This tool is great for managing many types of crypto coins. It also offers ways to earn, like yield farming and trading digital art (NFTs).

  • Using Different Coins

Explore various coins, know their costs, and learn where they come from. Plus, find ways to earn returns from shared pools, farming, and staking.

Starting with BSC DeFi Wallet

  • Step 1 – Set It Up

    Download and install the browser version of BSC DeFi Wallet from the Microaoft EDGE Web Store. After that, you can link it to your Binance App with a QR code or by using your Seed Phrase or Private Key.

  • What’s a Non-Custodial DeFi Wallet?

    Non-Custodial DeFi Wallet lets you have full control over your money and keys. When you set a passcode, you’ll get a 12-word safety phrase. Add more safety with fingerprints and two-step checks. Keep your safety phrase safe and offline, as only you can use it.

  • Step 2 – Add Money and Buy Coins

    Using the BSC DeFi Wallet, adding money and buying coins is easy. Just add it to your EDGE Web Browser, pick a coin, fill the desired amount to convert to coin and it’s done.
    Always check fees and only pick safe coins. Once you buy, the coins are in your wallet, ready to use or keep.

How to Purchase Tokens and Coins

  • Understanding Tokens and Coins for Your DeFi Journey

    To dive into DeFi, you’ll first need to explore tokens and coins. Regardless of your goals, your choice in these digital assets is crucial. Keep in mind, some tokens are versatile and can be used across multiple blockchains, each offering its own set of benefits and uses.

    You can buy and swap tokens directly on the BSC DeFi Wallet . Swap means exchange one token for another. This feature is under ‘Swap Feature’ witch gives you the possibility to switch tokens across six blockchains, including Ethereum, BNB2, and BNB Smart Chain.

    CryptoEdge. Coin VS Token
  • Transaction Fees for Tokens

    Gas fees are essentially transaction costs in the crypto world. It’s crucial to remember that these fees are paid using the primary token of the specific network where you’re making the transaction. Think of it like the currency of a country: Ethereum uses ETH, Avalanche goes by AVAX, while Polygon operates with MATIC.

    A common mistake many users make is not keeping enough of the correct token on hand to cover these fees, especially when dealing with tokens that operate on multiple networks, termed as multi-chain tokens.

Mastering DeFi Investments

With your wallet now brimming with crypto, it’s time to dive into the world of DeFi. The main avenues to explore include lending, borrowing, staking, mining, and farming.
Let’s demystify what each of these terms signifies:

  • Understanding Lending and Borrowing in DeFiLending and borrowing are foundational to any financial system, and DeFi is no exception. In DeFi, lenders (or depositors) pool their funds into a protocol, earning profits when users borrow from these pools.Why do users borrow? They’re willing to pay interest because the assets they borrow are immediately accessible. However, there’s a catch: DeFi mandates over-collateralization. This simply means borrowers must offer collateral worth more than the amount they’re borrowing.Here’s a practical example: A user can leverage one token as collateral to secure a loan of another token. This strategy allows them to keep their original asset, which might appreciate in value, and simultaneously earn (or “farm”) yield with the borrowed funds
  • Staking and Lockups: The Crypto Savings Account

    Have you ever likened the world of cryptocurrencies to a traditional bank savings account? If not, let’s simplify it.

    What is Staking? Staking is similar to depositing your money in a savings account, but in the crypto realm. By staking, you commit some of your cryptocurrency coins or tokens to support a network, often referred to as a Proof of Stake (PoS) system. This commitment earns you the title of a ‘validator’, and in exchange, you can receive additional coins as rewards.

    Understanding Lockups Contrarily, lockups are like letting your money accumulate interest in a bank. Essentially, you’re saying, “I’m entrusting my crypto to this DeFi platform. In return, I expect some interest.”

    Curious about the mechanics of PoS? Dive deeper with our comprehensive article on Proof of Stake using Walletconnect.

    Not Tech-Savvy? No Problem! Wondering if a lack of technical knowledge bars you from staking? Think again! Enter the Delegated Proof of Stake (DPoS). It’s the solution for those not well-versed in tech. In DPoS, you “delegate” or entrust your coins to experts who handle the technical aspects. You then receive a portion of the rewards they accumulate.

    To put it simply, think of staking pools as potluck dinners. Everyone brings their tokens, and the more you contribute, the bigger your share of the rewards. With DPoS, you don’t need to be a tech wizard; you can still reap benefits by entrusting your coins to a proficient validator.

Binance Smart Chain DeFi Protocol

Yield Farming

  • What is Yield Farming?

    Yield farming can be thought of as sowing seeds in a garden. But in this scenario, instead of traditional seeds, you’re planting your cryptocurrency assets. By “sowing” or lending out your crypto, you’re allowing it to flourish and yield rewards. Think of these rewards as the ripe fruits or vegetables that a plant offers over time. The growth rate of your crypto asset is often expressed as an annual percentage yield (APY) – much like an interest rate.

  • How can you boost growth with LP tokens?

    Just as gardens benefit from fertilizer, your crypto assets can get a boost too. Enter LP tokens. When you invest your assets in a communal reserve known as a liquidity pool, you’re rewarded with LP tokens. Visualize these tokens as golden tickets confirming the value of your contribution. By allocating these golden tickets to a specific “farm” in the crypto world, you amplify your potential returns. Essentially, it’s a strategy that ensures your assets are continuously working hard and maximizing returns for you.

Liquidity Mining Simplified

  • What Does Liquidity Mean?

    Picture a sizzling summer day, a large jug of ice-cold lemonade, and a queue of parched people. If you can sell that lemonade swiftly without lowering the price, you’ve got a highly “liquid” situation. In financial jargon, high liquidity indicates that you can quickly sell an asset without it losing value.

  • Introducing Liquidity Mining

    Now, let’s add a zesty twist with liquidity mining. Imagine relocating your lemonade stand to a bustling park and deciding to share your refreshing drink. For every glass sold, you get an extra bonus. Translating this to the cryptocurrency universe: you lend your digital assets to a decentralized exchange (often called a DEX). In return, you’re rewarded, primarily from the nominal fees users pay when exchanging or trading their tokens.

Understanding Liquidity Pools

  • The Dance of Cryptocurrency

    Picture a ballroom. Every individual awaiting a dance represents a distinct currency or token. For a seamless dance, both partners must match in terms of their “dancing prowess,” essentially forming a unique market or dance style.When you introduce a dance duo, say BNB and ETH, to the floor, you’re initiating a fresh dance routine. In recognition of this, you receive a special ticket (think of it as the BNB-ETH dance pass) symbolizing the combined value and synergy of the duo.

  • Jukebox Rewards

    Earn as They DanceHere’s where the groove gets groovier: when another wants to join the dance, they toss a coin into the jukebox. But this isn’t just for tunes. This coin is gathered by our nifty DJ, whimsically dubbed the Automated Dance Manager (a playful nod to AMM). The best part? A fragment of that coin gets passed onto you, as gratitude for introducing your dance duo. The prominence of your pair in the grand dance scheme determines the size of your share.

Kickstart Your Journey into the DeFi World

  • Understanding Decentralized Apps (DApps)

    Central to DeFi are innovative platforms called decentralized apps or more commonly, “dApps”. Envision each DeFi platform as a unique game, all compatible on popular networks like Ethereum or BNB Smart Chain.Every dApp operates under distinct guidelines, known in the DeFi space as ‘protocols’. For those new to DeFi, starting with online marketplaces, lending portals, or treasure-seeking platforms is ideal.

  • DeFi Platforms to Explore

    Tectonic – A versatile platform catering to both liquidity suppliers and borrowers.
    VVS Finance – Boasting its “Very, Very Simple” philosophy, this DEX platform is user-friendly and accessible. Their native token, VVS, serves as both a utility and governance token, enriching user experiences on the platform.

Ready to venture further? Explore a plethora of dApps via the ‘dapps browser’ in your BSC DeFi Wallet.


DeFi is a new financial system with great potential that requires users to understand the how-to in order to make the best decisions.

You can start exploring the possibilities and utilising your crypto assets by downloading the BSC DeFi Wallet. Our Help Centre article gives you a detailed guide on how to set up the wallet to get started.

And if you are still confused by DeFi jargon, gain clarity with our explainer of 5 common DeFi terms.

Due Diligence and Do Your Own Research

All examples listed in this article are for informational purposes only. You should not construe any such information or other material as legal, tax, investment, financial, or other advice. Nothing contained herein shall constitute a solicitation, recommendation, endorsement, or offer by to invest, buy, or sell any crypto assets. Returns on the buying and selling of crypto assets may be subject to tax, including capital gains tax, in your jurisdiction.

Past performance is not a guarantee or predictor of future performance. The value of crypto assets can increase or decrease, and you could lose all or a substantial amount of your purchase price. When assessing a crypto asset, it’s essential for you to do your research and due diligence to make the best possible judgement, as any purchases shall be your sole responsibility.